Routine Dental Examinations
Regular dental examinations are incredibly important to help maintain healthy teeth and gums, and assess the soft tissues within the mouth for any disease process.
It’s at these routine appointments that your dentist can spot any potential problems, allowing them to be addressed before they become a bigger issue. They are also the perfect opportunity to ask any questions or discuss any concerns or treatments you may be interested in.
Routine dental examinations are recommended for everyone of all ages, whether they
have any teeth to check or not!
It’s advisable to start bringing young children as soon as their first teeth start to come through, to help them get used to the environment and get their teeth off to the best start.
It’s also important to attend for a dental examination even if you do not have many, or any, teeth to check at all. Dentists don’t just check teeth, they are also perfectly placed to notice any changes to the skin inside of your mouth, such as to your tongue or inside of your cheeks, as well as any lumps or bumps in the head and neck area which may need further investigation.
How often your dentist recommends for you come for a dental examination
will depend on a variety of factors such as:
- Age;
- Lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol intake;
- Gum health;
- How often you get decay;
- How many heavily filled teeth you have;
- Genetics or developmental factors such as developmental enamel defects
Your clinician will ask you a series of questions about lifestyle factors such as sugar intake and diet, smoking and alcohol intake as well as your brushing routine. This is to assess any risk factors to your oral health.
We will carry out an external assessment of your neck and jaw joint to make sure everything is looking healthy, not just your teeth!
A full assessment of your teeth, gums and soft tissues inside your mouth (e.g. your tongue, palate and floor of your mouth.
If you are due your routine x rays, or the dentist has spotted something they would like to double check, then these will be taken. Routine x rays are usually taken every 2 years.
Your clinician will discuss their findings with you as well as any recommended treatments and the reasoning behind it. We will let you know how often we would advise you to come for your future routine dental examinations.
A routine dental examination is £50, if x-rays are required these are charged at £12 per x-ray. If you are signed up to one of our dental plans your routine appointment and any x-rays are included!
Find out more about our membership plans here
If you have had fluoride varnish applied at your appointment then avoid eating or drinking (even water) for 1 hour after your appointment, otherwise you can go about your day to day life as normal following a routine dental examination.
How often should I be having routine dental examinations?
The length between examinations can vary from 3 months to 24 months; this depends on factors such as your oral health and oral hygiene, as well as lifestyle factors and age. It’s common to have routine dental appointments every 6 months however your dentist will advise you if they think you should be coming more or less often than this.
Why have I been advised to have x-rays taken?
Routine x-rays are advised every 2 years to help us see the parts of the teeth not visible inside your mouth, but can be recommended more frequently if you have a higher decay risk. X-rays help to find decay earlier (before it turns into a large cavity!) as well as any concerns involving the roots of your teeth. They are also used to assess your bone levels, making sure this foundation of your teeth is strong and healthy too. You can always say no to routine x-rays, as long as you understand that not every part of your tooth is visible in your mouth, therefore early issues can be missed and cause more problems further down the line.